Workplace wellbeing is in the spotlight like never before, its importance is only likely to increase. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted that the ability of organisations to adapt, survive and thrive is dependent on so many of the factors that align with high levels of workplace wellbeing. While many organisations had embarked on a wellbeing journey prior to the pandemic, results were patchy and often lacking – an issue not assisted by limited measurement and evaluation.
As we navigate our way to a post-pandemic world, taking a strategically integrated approach to wellbeing will no longer be optional. Rather, it will be the foundation upon which the success of organisations is built and a deciding factor for attracting the best talent who increasingly expect their workplaces to actively contribute towards their wellbeing.
Achieving these kinds of outcomes requires wellbeing to be built into organisational planning and reporting mechanisms. This demands the same focus and organisation-wide commitment as any other strategic initiative. While a little effort is required, the beauty of an integrated approach to workplace wellbeing is that there are no losers or trade-offs to be made – organisations, employees, customers and wider-society all reap the numerous and varied rewards.
Workplace wellbeing needs some refreshed thinking and a determined effort to untether our organisations from many of the centuries-old practises that are no longer serving them. It calls for progressive leaders to lean in, take a bold move and commit investment to tackle the hidden cultural, structural and personal factors that are inhibiting progress and performance.
The question every organisation needs to ask itself is – ‘are we ready to embrace the future of work? And if not, what can we do to change that?’